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History of NBAA

This section will be used to pay homage to people that made the sport of bass angling in Namibia what it is today. People that have gone out of their way to improve the sport that we all love. People that have spent many hours and have spent thousands of dollars just to make a difference for our future generations. These people are HEROS.

The first LEGEND OF THE NBAA to be honored will be Dr Andre van Vuuren (Fires).  A true ambassador of the sport. Has been making a difference since before 2000 which means that he put in over 1 and a half decades of his life into his passion. Fires was part of the team that stocked Oanob dam with the largemouth bass that we all enjoy catching today which is one of the NBAA’s most impressive success stories of all. Thank you Fires!!!


The second person inducted into the NBAA Hall of Fame is Anton Halgreen. Anton was one of the founding members of the NBAA and was also the first chairman of the NBAA.

Under Anton's leadership the sport of bass angling in Namibia starting taking shape. Anton was part of the team that started arranging the 1st international tests between Namibia and Swaziland. This was the start of the Zone 6 (now Region V) Bass Angling Championships, which now have 6 member countries.

Thank you Anton!!!! You have made a huge difference in the sport we all LOVE!!!!

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